2000 Pairs of Glasses Readied
for Malawi Eye Clinics
The Sedona Oak Creek Canyon Lions Club and Verde Valley School’s MDG Project are well on their way to their goal of having two eye clinics in the African Country of Malawi in 2013. On Saturday January 19, 2013 the initial cleaning and sorting was done on over 2000 pairs of used glasses in preparation for two eye clinics set for early June 2013. The glasses were collected through the cooperative efforts of Verde Valley School and the Cottonwood, Camp Verde, Clarkdale and Sedona Lions Clubs from throughout the Verde Valley. On hand to help were members of the Sedona Oak Creek Canyon Lions Club and students from Verde Valley School.
With over twenty volunteers on site for the “cleaning party”, over 80 man hours of volunteer effort was put in. Each pair of glasses was cleaned and dried. Each pair was then handed off to Dr. Serge Wright and two volunteers that were trained to use the lensometer, where the glasses were read for their prescriptions. The prescriptions were transcribed onto storage bags for each pair of glasses. The individually wrapped glasses were then grouped together by prescription making them ready for their trip to Malawi and distribution to those in need.
This year’s two eye clinics are being planning on the heels of the very successful eye clinic held outside of the city of Blantyre Malawi at the Chirazulu District Hospital in June of 2012. At that clinic over 400 pairs of glasses were distributed including 225 of new glasses donated by VSP Optics Group and Marchon Eyeware. 25 pairs of those glasses were special order and given to children that were learning to read by braille. The two eye clinics are being planned with the help of Dr Khumba Kalua. Dr. Kalua is the director at the Blantyre Institute for Community Ophthalmology in Blantyre Malawi. Dr Kalua is a fellow Lions Club member and the institute is a Lions Sight First Clinic. At the 2013 clinics they hope to distribute 1000 pairs of glasses in two days. At the clinics the Verde Valley students and staff perform the initial intake and screening and actual exams for those who need glasses is performed by Dr. Kalua and his staff.
If you would like more information on the eye clinic, or on how to make a donation to the Verde Valley School’s MDG Project or on becoming a Lion contact Randy Crewse at crewserm@sedona.net or on his cell at 928-300-7141.
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